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Advertising |
Can my company sponsor a section of Bombastic Life? |
Bombastic Life offers many sponsorship opportunities, everything from sponsoring a city, a country, a whole section or even the whole site. Contact us at advertising@bombasticlife.com for more details. |
Reviews |
How do I get Bombastic Life to review a certain property or restaurant? |
Send us an e-mail at contact@bombasticlife.com with all the details and why you would like us to review it and if it is a good fit for our site, we'll make every attempt to visit it and review it. |
How do I get Bombastic Life to review a certain product? |
Send us an e-mail at contact@bombasticlife.com with all the details and why you would like us to review it and if it is a good fit for our site, we'll arrange for you to send us the product and we'll be more than happy to try it and review it. |
How can I submit my reviews to Bombastic Life? |
If you would like to write for Bombastic Life, send us an e-mail at contact@bombasticlife.com and we'll contact you to discuss the opportunities in more detail. |