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Hyatt Regency - Adelaide, Australia
Hyatt Regency - Adelaide, Australia
First Impression/Lobby - When we pulled into the drive way and had the doorman and bellmen just look and do nothing I was concerned that the service here may not be up to normal Hyatt Regency standards... And I was right.
The lobby was nice; not spectacular but on par with the smaller Hyatt Regency Hotels. There was nothing about it that made me say, wow, this is a bombastic hotel.
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Reception - Checking into the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Adelaide was as standard as it can get. I didn't get the warm of welcome that I got at the Hyatt in Melbourne but again, it wasn't bad.
The Room - We had reserved a "river view room" and apparently one mans opinion of river view is different front he next. My description of it does not entail standing on the desk and cranking my neck around the window to get a glimpse of the river. After a few calls and a room change we came to a decision as to what "river view" meant. The room we ended up in was octagon shaped, yes, eight walls. As you can imagine, it made the layout of the room a bit odd and did not make the best use of space. However, the view of the river was bombastic.
Room Service - As room service goes, The Hyatt's room service was up there with the best of them in terms of service. The food was on par with a three or four star hotel but the service was on track with some of the best. The best example of this was our breakfast the morning we were leaving. We had an early flight and they made sure breakfast was delivered before we took off, which may not sound like much but the fact they accommodated us even though it was before their kitchen normally opens means a lot.
Concierge - My biggest disappointment with the Hyatt Regency was the concierge "service". The concierges were par- time concierges, part-time bellmen, part-time whatever needed to be done it seems. The communication between them was awful. One concierge booked us dinner reservations, the next concierge sent us to the wrong restaurant. When we finally did get to the correct restaurant, it was a dump.
It was obvious the concierges had no clue what a concierge was supposed to do and they had no idea of what restaurants were good and which were not. I think anything beyond if the restaurant served Italian or Chinese was beyond their knowledge base. It was very disappointing, especially when staying at a hotel like the Hyatt Regency.
Overall Impression - Our stay over all was nice. I wouldn't say anything more than nice. The hassle of getting the right room at check in and the service or should I say, lack of service from the concierges were the biggest let downs from the Hyatt Regency. It comes down to this "would I stay here again?" and my answer would be no. There are other places I would try before going back to the Hyatt Regency - Adelaide.
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