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You are here: Home > Places > Puerto Rico > The Sushi Bar at the Ritz - San Juan, Puerto Rico
The Sushi Bar at the Ritz - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Great Sushi in San Juan
Restaurant Category : Sushi
The Sushi Bar at the Ritz - Puerto Rico - Never have I had Sushi as good as the The Sushi Bar at the Ritz. Simply bombastic! We were blown away with the quality that this little place had to offer. Typically I would shy away from Sushi at a hotel restaurant.
From my experience, they tend to be either very commercial with low quality or have a very small selection with most of it being just your standard rolls. The Sushi Bar at the Ritz definitely did not fit that description.
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The very best quality you could hope for and a HUGE variety. Great service and a decent wine list just helped to make this so great.
To top it all off, the Sushi chef herself came out and visited with us and even made us some special rolls we requested.
As Sushi restaurants go, this ranks right up there with the very best. If you love Sushi and you are in San Juan, be sure to stop by, you will not be disappointed.
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